Jennifer Denise Miller (Evangelist) - Exc. Secretary

Jennifer holds a B.S. degree in Family and Consumer Science from Eastern Illinois University.  Serving as Team Leader for S.A.L.T. A teacher of the Word with an ever increasing desire to go where Jesus is not known. A missionary to Uganda, Africa.   

Clarissa Stith – Premier Deacon

Clarissa Our head of creative Servant-Leader assignments is a woman of sincere devotion to the Lord, with such an extraordinary capacity to share her faith. An exemplary leader with genuine compassion for the lost.   She is an esteemed supporter of New Gate Church Apostolic leadership.

"We Win Souls & Make Disciples, Empowering People, Transforming Nations"

This Flash Movie was created by Rev. Dr. Carolyn Ewuzie check out her e-portfolio on the bottom of the About Us page

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